Best Photos to Take on Baby’s First Day
The day you’ve been waiting for is finally here! Congratulations, you’re a mom! Before you know it, baby’s first day will pass by and seem like a blur to everyone who was there for your little one’s big arrival. To mark the momentous occasion, you’ll want to capture as many photos as possible. As part of your hospital bag checklist, make sure you have a list of the pictures you want to capture so that you can look back fondly and remember everything that was happening. We’ve given you a head start on the pictures to consider. Here are our top 10 must-take photos on baby’s first day.
Mama + Baby
When you first lay eyes on your baby, your life is forever changed in an instant. Make sure that you have someone capture that feeling because it’s a photo that you’ll cherish forever. And as soon as the baby is born, everyone will be focusing on her, make sure you stop and ask someone to take a photo of you with your bundle of joy so you can look back and savor that moment forever.

Daddy + Baby
Fact: there’s nothing more attractive than seeing your partner with the baby for the very first time. And that bond is a strong one from the very first moment they lock eyes on each other.

Skin-to-Skin Contact
When you hold your baby skin-to-skin, it’s the first time you’re experiencing a deeb bond outside of the womb. You’ll want to remember what it was like to hold him after dreaming about it for the long nine months.

Meeting Siblings for the First Time
Before long you’ll be breaking up the fighting or insisting your toddler give the baby some space, but that first moment when the two meet is beyond precious. Capture the moment and have permanent proof that they got along well together, even for a minute!

Meeting the Grandparents
It’s an incredible thing for grandparents to experience! There’s nothing sweeter than seeing your own parents pass the torch on and relish their roles as grandparents. You’ll want to document the joy and unconditional love they feel on baby’s first day.

First Feeding
Getting the baby to eat for the very first time is a big deal. Whether it’s through breastfeeding or with a bottle, you’ll want to have that triumphant moment documented. It’s proof you can do this, mama!

Tiny Little Baby Details
Trick question: is there anything cuter than tiny little baby feet? Nope! Take note of those teeny tiny details that are perfect like wrinkly feet and a cute little button nose. Newborns are straight up irresistible!

Announcing the Baby’s Name
If you haven’t already shared the baby’s name, this will be an exciting photo to take and share with friends and family. You’re introducing your baby to the world for the very first time. This photo from baby’s first day is the perfect birth announcement as well.

Bundled Up Like a Burrito
So little and so perfect. Your baby is bundled up like a little burrito and swaddled so peacefully in his blanket. A sleeping baby is a moment of true bliss you’re witnessing and something you want to look back on fondly. One thought you may have as you leave the hospital is how to do the swaddle correctly again!

What the Baby Looks Like in Your Eyes
With your very first baby, you’ll have one opportunity to take a photo seeing the baby through your own eyes for the very first time. Nobody else will be able to capture that viewpoint. A photo on baby’s first day taken from your point of view is priceless.