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Newborn Jaundice: What You Need to Know

Newborn Jaundice: What You Need to Know

It’s delivery day! Baby is arriving, your entire family is gathered to celebrate, but your little one comes out into the world looking a little … yellow. So what gives? The yellow tone that often occurs in newborns is caused from newborn jaundice–a condition that affects a great deal of babies born every day.

So what exactly is jaundice? It’s a condition found when a surplus of the compound bilirubin is produced — bilirubin is a yellow compound that helps to clear waste. It’s housed and handled in the liver, and can often cause complications in newborns. Being armed with knowledge around newborn jaundice can help you avoid panicking when and if the day arrives.

Types of Jaundice

It’s important to first determine what is causing the newborn jaundice in your little one in order to best decide how to handle it. There are several different types of newborn jaundice, and each has its own cause and possible treatments.

Treating Jaundice

Your doctor will be able to diagnose your little one’s jaundice severity, cause and treatment plan, but it helps to know what’s coming. A few of the treatment options are:

Remember, jaundice is a very common condition for newborns, and most symptoms and instances are resolved in no time. Arming yourself with some facts can help you feel a little more prepared for the discussion, but never hesitate to ask your healthcare provider any questions you may have. 

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