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Pregnancy during the holidays: what you can expect

Pregnancy During the Holidays: What You Can Expect

November officially kicks off the most wonderful time of the year. Once Halloween has passed, the festivities for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year can begin!

Of course, if you’re pregnant during the holiday season, it can be a totally different experience than you’re used to — the holidays can be a stressful time on their own, but even more so if you’re growing a tiny human.

Here’s the good, the bad, and some life-saving tips on surviving the holidays while pregnant.

The good

There’s so much magic in the holiday season, and adding pregnancy to it can make it extra special.

It’s the coziest time of the year. Bring out the chunky sweaters, fleece-lined leggings, and warm blankets. Cozy clothes are a pregnant woman’s dream, and this is the perfect time to wear your coziest attire.

One word: food. Holiday food is arguably the best food. With mashed potatoes, turkey, casseroles, pies, and Christmas cookies, you can’t go wrong over the next two months. And trust us, no one’s gonna give you a hard time about that second helping.

The best time to share your news. If you’re newly pregnant, the holiday season is a wonderful time to announce your pregnancy. With all of the adorable announcement ideas out there, you can give your whole family the best gift under the tree.

Family traditions. As you’re growing your little family, it only makes sense that this holiday season you start to build your own family traditions. Maybe you’ll take from those your parents taught you, or maybe you’ll start your own, but either way, there’s nothing quite as special as starting your own traditions with your new family.

The bad

The holidays can be a challenging and stressful time, and adding pregnancy (and pregnancy hormones) to the mix can make it a little more challenging. Here are a few things to watch out for over the coming weeks:

No wine. Or eggnog. Or other holiday cocktails. But you don’t have to miss out altogether. Non-alcoholic mocktails are always a great alternative. And sparkling cider and hot chocolate are tasty AF.

You might get all baby gifts. If you want anything other than onesies and things for the baby, try dropping hints with a wishlist for mom. That way your friends and family get you what you really want and need. (Um, like a Bump Boxes subscription?) 

Tips to make your holiday great!

Whether things are smooth sailing or you’re struggling a little, these tips will help make your holiday season a little easier.

Slow down. Holidays are a lot of go, go, go, so make sure you listen to your body, and stop if you need to. Your health matters!

Enjoy the holiday cookie. Don’t deprive yourself of the season’s treats, but make sure you stay hydrated and add extra servings of fruits and vegetables to balance.

Take the help. ‘Tis the season of family and friends, so let them lift a hand to help you if you need it. You’ll be grateful to not carry the stress on your own.

Knowing what to expect, your boundaries, and a few helpful tips will help you celebrate all season long. Happy holidays!

The ULTIMATE holiday gift…

Don’t know what to ask for this Christmas? A Bump Boxes Gift Box can be tailored to your due date and symptoms. We also have Newborn Boxes and Bump Boxes Subscriptions for 6, 9, or 12 months. Now that’s the gift that keeps on givin’!

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