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Is CBD Oil Safe for Pregnancy?

Is CBD Oil Safe for Pregnancy?

The use of CBD oil is gaining major steam. This popular trend has resulted in a surge of CBD-related products all designed to treat everything from anxiety and nausea to overall stress and joint pain. With states climbing on board to legalize marijuana, products laced with CBD can be found just about anywhere. But what about CBD oil and pregnancy? Since it is originally derived from the cannabis plant, is CBD oil really safe for pregnancy? Or during breastfeeding? Given CBD-related products are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they aren’t regulated and therefore a questionable use in conjunction with pregnancy. Here’s the scoop on CBD oil and whether you should try it while pregnant.   


What is CBD Oil?

Many people confuse CBD oil with pot since both are derived from the cannabis plant. But there are concrete differences. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil can be made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then diluting it with an edible oil, or made into lattes, edibles, gums, candies, lotions or beauty products. CBD oil does not contain THC, which is the most active ingredient in pot that gives you the “high” it’s known for. CBD oil can be applied to the skin, inhaled or put under your tongue and typically results in a calming effect. Many people who swear by its calming properties say it helps relieve stress and can help with sleep.

What Are the Most Common Uses of CBD Oil?

CBD oil can be taken and used to treat a variety of ailments, including insomnia, pain, anxiety, depression or nausea. Some research has found it to be beneficial in treating more serious conditions like epilepsy, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, anxiety and traumatic brain injuries. Because doctors don’t know the extent that it can interfere with the effectiveness of other medications, they caution use with other prescribed medicine.

Is CBD Oil Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

The short answer is that there isn’t enough research to say it won’t harm you or your growing baby. Experts say it’s best to avoid it. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) say pregnant women should not use marijuana (including medical marijuana) or products derived from the cannabis plant. Some studies have pointed to a link between regular marijuana use and smaller babies with lower birth weight and other potential side effects.  

If you’re curious about trying CBD oil to help with some of the more overwhelming effects of pregnancy, discuss it with your practitioner first. There may be other pregnancy-safe ways to ease symptoms, and it could be enlightening to learn about the potential risks associated with CBD oil and pregnancy. In this case, it’s better to be safe for you and your baby.

What Can Happen If You Use CBD Oil During Pregnancy?

Little research exists to point to risks of using CBD oil during pregnancy. Exposure to marijuana can harm a developing fetus because if the mother inhales the chemicals, they can go through the placenta and reach the baby. Researchers don’t know if the same thing would happen with CBD oil. But even low-dose products aren’t encouraged. The main reason is because CBD oil is so new and therefore unregulated. Some products have been found to have traces of dangerous substances such as THC, pesticides, toxic metals and bacteria. You don’t want to take the chance of those types of substances going near your precious baby.

Can CBD Oil Be Used While Breastfeeding?

Not to sound like a broken record, but not enough research exists to say it’s safe to use CBD oil while breastfeeding but the general consensus is that this should be avoided too. The chemicals from marijuana can be passed through breast milk, even though there are no studies that show the same correlation with CBD oil. Even if that risk doesn’t exist, since CBD oil can make you sleepy it could be similar to feeling slightly intoxicated, a state you don’t want to be in while caring for your newborn.

Since there isn’t enough research showing CBD oil is safe during pregnancy, all signs point to avoiding it. Even with it being all the rage and people finding massive benefits to using it, consider it the same as your favorite glass of wine: best to avoid until you’ve had your baby and are no longer breastfeeding. Count it as another thing you can’t wait to do after pregnancy.

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